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2024 Vol.28, Issue 6 Preview Page


31 December 2024. pp. 62-73

Kim, M.S., Kim, D., Kim, D.K., Koo, H.Y., Lee, D.W., Bae, J.W., Yoo, H.I., Choi, N.G., An, J.W., Lee, S.Y., and Choe, H.R., "Development of KNSB Rocket and Rocket Recovery System Using Ducted Fan," 59th KSPE Fall Conference, Busan, Korea, pp. 531-548, Nov. 2022.


Choi, D.U., Park, J.H. and Hong, J.G., "A Experimental Study on Thrust Changing Characteristics of Multi Segments KNSB Propellant," 39th KSPE Fall Conference, Yeosu, Korea, pp. 616-621, Nov. 2012.


Park, J.H., Choi, E.G., Kim, T.H., Kim, S.J., Choi, H.S., Bang, Y.W., Choi, H.C. and Sim, H.S., "Preliminary Design and Analysis of the Small Solid Rocket with KNSB Propellant," 59th KSPE Fall Conference, Busan, Korea, pp. 246-246, Nov. 2022.


Ko, S.H., Kim, Y.J., Mun, S.G., Byeon, M.U., Yu, J.S., Kim, G.R., Kim, M.C., Park, J.S., Mun, H.J. and Kim, J.G., "Design of 2-Stage Rocket Using Hybrid Rocket Motor and Solid Rocket Motor," KSAA Spring Conference, pp. 14-18.


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  • Publisher :The Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국추진공학회
  • Journal Title :Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
  • Journal Title(Ko) :한국추진공학회지
  • Volume : 28
  • No :6
  • Pages :62-73
  • Received Date : 2024-06-12
  • Revised Date : 2024-10-01
  • Accepted Date : 2024-10-06