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2024 Vol.28, Issue 6 Preview Page


31 December 2024. pp. 45-53

Cho, N., Kim, S., Lee, K., Han, Y. and Kim, J., "Comparison of Technical Characteristics of Gas 63 Generator Open Cycle Engine and Closed Cycle Staged Combustion Engines," Korean Society for Aerospace Engineering, pp. 247-248, 2017.


Choi, H., Han, Y., Yoo, C. and Kim, S., "Analytic Considerations of Liquid Rocket Engine Thrust Chamber Design for the KSLV-II," Journal of the Korean Society for Propulsion Engineers, pp. 71-80, 2010.


Je, W., Kim, J., Hwang, D., Kang, D., Ju, S., Lee, B., Kim, M. and Ryu, C. "Design and Flow Characteristic Analysis of Film-cooling Ring of Thrust Chamber of Liquid Rocket Engine," Proceedings of the Korean Society for Propulsion Engineers Annual Conference, pp. 424-424, 2022.


Cho, M., Kim, S. and Choi, H., "A Trade-off Analysis between Combustion and Cooling Performance of a Liquid Rocket Combustor with Fuel Film Cooling Scheme," Journal of the Korean Society for Propulsion Engineers, pp. 16-22, 2012.


Kim, H.J., Cho, W. and Moon, Y., "A Thermal Analysis of Liquid Rocket Combustor Using a Modeling of Film Cooling Performance," Journal of the Korean Society for Propulsion Engineers, pp. 85-92, 2006.


Kim, J., Lee, K., Seo, S., Han, Y., Choi, H. and Cho, W., "Parametric Study on Heat Flux Characteristics of a Sub-scale Calorimeter," Proceedings of the Korean Society for Propulsion Engineers Annual Conference, pp. 346-350, 2005.


Kim, S., Cho, M. and Choi, H., "Film Cooling Modelingfor Combustion and Heat Transfer within a Regeneratively CooledRocket Combustor," Proceedings of the Korean Society for Propulsion Engineers Annual Conference, pp. 634-640, 2011.


Kim, H., Hwang, D., Ju, S., Kim, M., Je, W., Kim, J. and Choi, H., "A Model for predicting Various Film Cooling Flowrate in Liquid Rocket Engine Combustor," Proceedings of the Korean Society for Propulsion Engineers Annual Conference, pp. 475-478, 2019.


Je, W., Kim, J., Hwang, D., Kang, D., Ju, S., Lee, B., Kim, M. and Ryu, C., "Introduction of Film-Cooling Cold Flow Test Facility and Performance Evaluation Method," Proceedings of the Korean Society for Propulsion Engineers Annual Conference, pp. 265-265, 2022.


Je, W., Kang, D., Hwang, D., Han, S. and Kim, J., "Design and Flow Characteristic Analysis of Film- cooling Ring of Thrust Chamber of Liquid Rocket Engine," Proceedings of the Korean Society for Propulsion Engineers Annual Conference, pp. 424-424, 2023.

  • Publisher :The Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국추진공학회
  • Journal Title :Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
  • Journal Title(Ko) :한국추진공학회지
  • Volume : 28
  • No :6
  • Pages :45-53
  • Received Date : 2024-06-11
  • Revised Date : 2024-09-05
  • Accepted Date : 2024-09-10